Number of Classes Closed Due to COVID-19 Increased 8 Times

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer made a new statement about the number of classrooms closed due to COVID-19. Announcing the number as 50 two days ago, the Minister announced that 434 classrooms were closed in his statement today.

With the Omicron variant continuing to spread, the number of daily cases in Turkey has exceeded 100 thousand, and it is still a matter of curiosity whether there will be measures to prevent the number of cases. These questions, which are asked specifically for schools, are precisely continue face-to-face education It ended with the message.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer, in his statement two days ago, announced the number of classrooms interrupted due to the incident in a total of 850 thousand classrooms. Ozer, in total in 50 classrooms He said that education was suspended. Two days after this statement, today another new statement came. Mahmut Özer shared a statement showing the increase in the number of classrooms interrupted by education.

The number of classrooms interrupted by education increased by 768% in two days

Minister Özer, who made a statement to the journalists at the Governorship of Ordu, said that as of today, 850 thousand classrooms 434 of them said that education was interrupted. explained. Özer’s statement was as follows:

“We continue face-to-face education with the same determination in the 2021-2022 academic year, which we started in February. In line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the board, we will hopefully end this term with face-to-face education by taking all the precautions in our schools. As of today, we have suspended face-to-face education due to a case in only 434 of our 850 thousand classrooms.

In other words, face-to-face education has been suspended due to the ‘Omicron’ variant, which is far below one-thousandth of the total number of classrooms in our education system. I hope we continued our education for 5 months in the first term without any interruption in all our schools by strictly following the recommendations suggested by the Ministry of Health. We will conclude this term by resolutely adhering to face-to-face education.. I would like to thank our teachers for their contribution in this process.”

According to Özer’s statements, the number of classrooms interrupted by education, In just two days, it increased by 768% to 434 units.

Source :ği-yuz-yuze-egitime-ara-verildi-1053693052.html

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