Note Those 5 Altcoin Projects This Week: There Is Important News!

The cryptocurrency market still continues to fluctuate in the red zone. However, Bitcoin has dropped 11% in the last 7 days and is currently up 4% towards $20,000. This article is a compilation of some of the upcoming altcoin news that will happen this week.

Upcoming major events of the week from 5 altcoin projects

Origin Protocol OGN network records

Origin Protocol has come to the fore with record NFT sales in the past months. The project is now preparing for the OGV airdrop. The airdrop will take place after the OGN snapshot from July 5 to 12, 2022.

Interestingly, many top exchanges like have announced their support for OGN and the upcoming OGV airdrop. Therefore, to participate in it, users must have at least 1 OGN on or in their account. Meanwhile, the OGV token is a new ERC-20 token for the Origin Protocol ecosystem. It will also act as the new management token for the Origin Dollar (OUSD).

GMX interface updates

DEX platform GMX has shared some strategic updates to be launched to the interface. An important update is the division of the GMX information website. In addition, these updates will go live on July 6, 2022. Users will also receive more information on updates soon. Also GMX, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche etc. It facilitates decentralized transactions of the largest cryptocurrencies, such as

ChangeNOW Wallet lists ZEC and DASH

The ChangeNOW crypto wallet has shared its plans to support ZEC and DASH. In line with this, both ZEC and DASH integration are currently underway. According to reports, the integration will be completed on July 6, 2022.

Its users can easily store, send and receive both DASH and ZEC on ChangeNOW wallets. They will also be able to seamlessly process fiat-to-crypto (DASH and ZEC) transactions using the ChangeNOW wallet.

WAX Blockchain NFT series

Wax Blockchain will support the launch of a new NFT series. The series will feature a collection of 50 new cars. Starting July 7, 2022, users will be able to receive 50 new car NFT series in five (5) rarities. You can find the details in the tweet below.

Launch of PembRock Finance farming testnet

Finally, PembRock Finance is getting ready to launch its farming testnet. In addition, the launch will take place on Monday, July 4, 2022. However, it will also include the addition of important features such as lending, farming. In addition, PembRock is known as the first and only leveraged yield farming platform in the NEAR protocol. You can reach the NFT newsletter we have prepared here. One of the recent developments includes a metaverse partnership where Eminem and Snoop Dogg are seen.

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