Not on Tinder anymore: The era of throwing it to the right begins at Tesla!

We can say that with the increasing electrification movement, automobiles have actually started to change form in some way. Perhaps we saw the biggest of these with Turkey’s domestic car, TOGG. As you know, TOGG is introduced as a “smart device” rather than a car. American Tesla seems to be following the same path. Here are the details…

Tesla now supports 3rd party software!

As it is known, Tesla brand cars are always connected to the internet. The main reason for this is to enable you to use applications that you can download from markets, as well as updates to the car. It is even possible to browse the internet while driving. However, there were some things missing from the cars.

Perhaps the most common complaint was that 3rd party applications were not supported. Tesla owners could only download and use applications permitted and supported by the brand in their cars. Almost all of these applications were Tesla’s own software. So it was not possible to use software other than mark software.

USA's special request: Volvo SuperTruck 2, better than Tesla, was introduced

USA’s special request: Volvo SuperTruck 2, better than Tesla, was introduced

Volvo SuperTruck 2 was introduced. What does the truck implemented with the SuperTruck project, which focuses on energy efficiency in the USA, promise?

However, with the new update released by the brand, you can now even put Tinder in your car and swipe right on the people you like. Under normal circumstances, software installed on the car through unofficial methods such as APK, all third-party fleet management applications, smart watch integration applications, etc. It will become official.

This made Tesla owners and a few small businesses very happy. The businesses in question were developing 3rd party software for Tesla cars. But these software were not fully official and therefore had a somewhat shaky life. However, these businesses, which will be able to formalize their applications with the new regulations, will be able to grow as a business as well as produce longer-lasting software.

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