Not DOGE! Twitter’s Money This Altcoin –

Anthony Pompliano, founder of CryptoLaw, suggests on Twitter a better altcoin than DOGE or BTC. After Elon Musk took over the platform, DOGE appeared as the first candidate to be used in payments.

Anthony Pompliano says this altcoin will be more efficient than DOGE

According to the market leader, XRP has a chance to outperform BTC and DOGE on Twitter. Pompliano believes that DOGE or Bitcoin is not the best option for “Twitter’s currency.” In his new tweets, he claimed that Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that can replace the dollar as Twitter’s official currency. However, John Deaton, one of the well-known XPR bulls, disagrees. Deaton stated that XRP played this important role many years before Bitcoin (BTC).

Twitter used XRP for micropayments years before Bitcoin

In another tweet, Anthony Pompliano detailed why Elon Musk should not choose Dogecoin for Twitter. The market expert suggests that Dogecoin is not the ideal payment network for Twitter. According to him, Bitcoin will be a better choice in such a choice. Deaton immediately supported this interpretation of Pompliano. He emphasized the use of Lightning Network technology in addition to what Pompliano had said. Pomp says that Bitcoin will only “handle instant, global microtransactions at scale.” However, he reminded that former CEO Jack Dorsey has already embraced Bitcoin.

In response, John Deaton pointed out that XRP was used on Twitter years before Bitcoin with XRPTip Bot. But XRPTip Bot was blocked by Twitter in 2020. Its developer, Wietse Wind, later made several upgrades that helped it bypass the Twitter ban. Twitter is currently suspending its XRPTip Bot as this effort is not enough.

After this development, Twitter activated the tip feature of Bitcoin and then Ethereum. Deaton says this happened because Jack Dorsey, who became CEO in 2020, was only in favor of Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, which provides faster and cheaper BTC payments. Meanwhile, the XRP token has been on the blacklist of most platforms and exchanges since the 2020 SEC lawsuit.

John Deaton sums up the latest from the XRP case

Anthony Pompliano shared that he is suing for supporting Ripple Labs in the fight against the SEC. Deaton, on the other hand, says that the use of XRP in the payment system of Twitter and the US GAO in 2014 explains these.

In the latest developments from the lawsuit, 12 major companies including Coinbase submitted amicus briefs in support of Ripple. We have discussed the latest developments in the case in this article.

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