No Way Home’s First Weekend Revenues Announced

Spider-Man: No Way Home, which was released last Friday, caused a change in the top movies in Turkey and all over the world despite the coronavirus conditions. While the film made the best debut of 2021 in Turkey and in the world, it lagged behind Endgame.

We finally came together with Spider-Man: No Way Home, which we have been watching for a long time. A packed movie that will satisfy many Spider-Man fans. No Way HomeDespite the coronavirus, it has already started chasing records. Spider-Man: No Way Home, the final movie of the trilogy starring Tom Holland, third best opening movie it happened.

According to the announced data, Spider-Man: No Way Home will be released in total this weekend all over the world. gross $587.2 million achieved. Although the movie grossed about half the record of Avengers: Endgame in the same period, it is worth remembering that this Endgame and the other movie, Infinity War, which is among the top three movies, were not released during the epidemic.

No Way Home broke records in Turkey as well

Almost half of the $587.2 million worldwide revenue, $253 million, came from the United States. The film thus became the best-released film of 2021. On the other hand, the film managed to break some records in Turkey as well. According to the data shared by Box Office Turkey, Spider-Man: No Way Home is in Turkey

  • the friday of its release With 296 thousand 623 ticketed audience was watched and broke the all-time Friday audience record in foreign films,
  • in the first 3 days by a total of 934 thousand 599 spectators It was watched as the second best opening of all time among foreign films (Endgame is in the first place with 965 thousand 942 viewers).


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We will see in the coming days whether Spider-Man: No Way Home will break Avengers: Endgame’s record both globally and in Turkey. With its previously released trailer, which has achieved this success in the conditions of coronavirus. Most watched trailer in 24 hours If the movie, which broke the record, had not been released in the coronavirus conditions, it would probably have already broken records.

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