No Way Home Top Rated Movie

Spider-Man: No Way Home was rated by more than 25,000 viewers on Rotten Tomatoes, making it the highest rated movie. While the audience rating of the movie is 99%, the critical score is 94%.

We have been waiting for a long time, hearing new theories about it and breaking the record with its first trailer. Spider-Man: No Way Homewas finally released last week. While almost all of the critics’ comments, which started before the movie was released, were positive, this positivity has not deteriorated today.

Despite the epidemic conditions, Spider-Man: No Way Home became one of the most watched movies, while almost all of the viewers gave the movie positive points. So much so that the movie Rotten Tomatoes critic rating currently 94%, if the viewer rating is 99% listed as. A total of 332 film critics, More than 25 thousand viewers rated it.

Spider-Man: No Way Home tops Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes shared on his Twitter account that Spider-Man: No Way Home is among the films with more than 20 thousand viewer points with the above scores. top rated movie declared that. The movie also managed to score higher than any other Marvel movie.


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The film’s score also sparked a controversy:

The fact that Spider-Man: No Way Home scored higher on Rotten Tomatoes than any other movie also sparked a controversy. Some viewers the movie was made just to satisfy the fansstated that he managed to achieve a high score only by being successful in this subject, that this does not mean that the film is a good one.

So, do you think Spider-Man: No Way Home deserves the highest rating of all movies?

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