No Way Home Breaks Box Office Records From Day One

Spider-Man: No Way Home, the highly anticipated movie of recent times, was released yesterday. The movie started breaking box office records from the first day it was released. Movie companies described the first day of the film as ‘the best opening of all time’.

in our lives in the last two years. COVID-19 The pandemic has damaged many industries. The film industry was also at the forefront of these sectors; because the restrictions put in place prevented many people from going to the movies. For this reason, both film production companies and movie theater chains were seriously damaged.

In the last summer months, the decreasing cases made the cinemas reopen. But people were still afraid to go to the movies. This fear has recently emerged Omicron increased with the variant. So, how will cinemas get out of this situation? Released yesterday Spider-Man: No Way Home may play an important role in this process.

‘The best opening night of all time’

It would not be wrong to say that Spider-Man No Way Home, the newest movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is the most anticipated movie of recent times. Emerging leaks and characters from previous movies multiverse The fact that he was going to take part in this production under the concept of the concept made many people excited. In fact, people were so excited that sites selling movie tickets in many countries collapsed during pre-sales. This production was released yesterday and made people flock to the cinema.

The world’s largest cinema chain AMC, from day one of Spider-Man No Way Home blockbusters He said he broke it. According to the company’s statements, approximately 1.1 million people went to the cinema on the night the movie was released, marking a first in AMC’s history. Another cinema chain Cinemark and the first nightbest opening night of all time‘ he described. Another US movie company regal In his statements, he stated that the film broke the record in the first screening on Thursday night and made the second highest opening of all time.

Spider-Man: No Way Home could bring back cinema culture

Authorities also stated that they did not expect such an opening, so they were very surprised and excited. In addition, the movie is expected to break records over the weekend. However, it is difficult to predict how the Omicron variant will affect this situation. There is a possibility that this variant, which is still very little known about, can spread among people through movie theaters and worsen the epidemic.


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Nevertheless, it is useful to congratulate the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home, which is expected to break records in Turkey as well. This production can really bring back that cinema experience that we all miss and give us emotional moments. world famous director Paul Thomas Anderson also have similar views on this matter. Anderson recently announced that Spider-Man: No Way Home would help save the film industry by attracting people to the movies and supported such films.

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