No to SHIB! This Altcoin Has So Much Potential

A 38-year-old crypto investor who never had to work again says he sees the crypto crash as an opportunity. This investor is none other than Elisa Spiess, founder of crypto advisory firm ‘Femme Capital’. She is now talking about Bitcoin and a more exciting altcoin project. For details keep reading.

“Real-world events also have an impact on the crypto market”

The company is aimed at women and aims to teach them how to use crypto, what Blockchain is, and how Bitcoin and the leading altcoin Ethereum work. “I wouldn’t describe myself as a crypto missionary, which has an unpleasant connotation,” Elisa Spiess says. She sees herself more as a ‘door opener’ to the crypto world, she. “Crypto was a game changer for me and so my goal is to help women get started in this industry,” adds Elisa Spiess.

Elisa Spiess also talks about the recent Bitcoin crashes, saying, “I think you shouldn’t read too much. “As with other types of investments, the long-term view is very important here,” he says. The 38-year-old investor sees the current situation as a good opportunity to get a ‘bargain’ and expresses the view that “Current crypto crashes should be seen as an opportunity and should be exploited if possible.” Elisa Spiess comments:

Many investors who entered ignorantly now panic, check their portfolios daily, and eventually sell out of fear. However, real-world events also have an impact on the crypto market. Prices have exploded so much in the last year that many people want to make a profit at some point and then sell.

Successful investor thinks this altcoin project has potential

As a result, the successful investor is confident that price fluctuations will decrease in the future. Elisa Spies thinks altcoin project Solana has ‘much more potential’. According to Spiess, it’s not too late to invest in crypto. According to him, things are just getting started, but no one can say where Bitcoin will be in a year. “Anyone who claims to know this is, in my opinion, unreliable,” the investor says. Still, she seems convinced that in the long run Bitcoin will be very successful for ‘quite a long time’.


But that’s not all. There are other, much more exciting altcoin projects like Solana, he explains. “In my eyes, Solana has a lot more potential,” says Elisa Spies, who advises investors to only invest in cryptocurrencies or tokens that have a meaningful use. In other words, in his eyes, there are no meme coins like the Shiba Inu. The crypto expert says it’s the only way to make a sensible investment in the long run, adding:

If you invest in digital assets that you don’t understand, it’s just a gamble. You can also go to the casino for this.

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