No Selling NFT Tokens Announced: Here’s the Detailed List!

NFT sales, which took 2021 by storm, dropped to $168 million last week. However, there were also best-selling NFT tokens. We are looking at the 5 best selling digital collections. NFT sales had a breakthrough year in 2021, with volume reaching $23 billion in the last 12 months. Sales in January exceeded $1 billion for a single week, but sales saw a 29% drop in the last week.

NFT tokens are on the decline

The cryptocurrency boom over the past few years has helped push a newer market to record highs: digital collectibles known as NFTs. In fact, total NFT sales volume reached $23 billion last year as artists, investors and entrepreneurs descend on the burgeoning Web3 space. NFTs, or immutable tokens, are unique, irreplaceable, mostly digital items that users buy and sell online. NFTs use blockchain technology to maintain a digital record of ownership, similar to cryptocurrencies. However, continued sales in cryptocurrencies are starting to hurt NFT sales. According to the latest data received, sales last week stood at $168 million. However, that’s about a 29% drop from last week’s NFT sales ($237 million).

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Popular NFTs

5. Doodles: Sales Volume: $3.7 million. Number of Sales: 142. Highest Selling Price: $78,454. Doodles comes in a delightful range of colours, features and sizes with a collection size of 10,000. The Doodles are an interesting bunch who love to role-play or transform themselves into delicious treats.

4. VeeFriends. Sales Volume: $6.2 million. Number of Sales: 146. Highest Selling Price: $331,069. The main purpose of this project is to create meaningful intellectual property and create an extraordinary community.

3. Sandbox. Sales Volume: $7.7 million. Number of Sales: 858. Highest Selling Price: $43,848. Sandbox is a community-driven platform where users own their LAND and house their creative magic.

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CryptoPunks is also on the list

2. CryptoPunks. Sales Volume: $9.0 million. Number of Sales: 50. Highest Selling Price: $290,645. It consists of 10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

1. Bored Ape Yacht Club. Sales Volume: $32.2 million. Number of Sales: 491. Highest Selling Price: $637,375. BAYC is a unique digital collection that lives on the Ethereum blockchain.

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