No Restart Necessary After PC Update

It seemed like we were spending the time we spent on the computer on the update screen, right?

You will either finish your work on the computer and get up or go out. But no, your computer isn’t done yet. And his to update you will wait. This is an update where you cannot properly see what it adds to the computer. However, you have to wait as the password is required in cases such as reboots.

Of course, you cannot turn off the computer in the middle of the update. You have to sit in front of it until the update is finished. But basically it’s not Microsoft’s fault either. For reboot during update We explained why it was necessary. However, the company can offer us a method that does not require a reboot when updating.

The name of the feature is hotpatching.

According to the news of Windows Latest, Microsoft prevents the downloaded updates from being installed on the computer. reboot It will bring this feature to Windows 11, which will eliminate the need for it. Microsoft already uses this technology in Azure virtual machines. The feature is available on x86 and x64 devices, depending on sources mid 2024It will come to Arm devices in 2025.

But unfortunately hotpatchingThis does not mean that rebooting during the update will be completely eliminated. This feature, which works with the logic of building on the established foundation, requires updating the foundation in question from time to time. This is something that can happen several times a month.

With this feature, we may not feel comfortable while our computer is updating. However, users think that this time the update will not be left to the user’s request. In other words, they are worried about the risk of constantly using the latest version of Windows without realizing it.

Why does the computer restart itself when updating?


Why Do Computers Restart After Update or Program Installation?

Why should we not turn off the computer during the update?


If You Are Shutting Down Your Computer During Windows Update, You Should Read This Content Immediately!

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