No Nuclear War Statement by 5 Nuclear Powerful Countries

A remarkable joint statement was made by the USA, Britain, China, France and Russia. “We recognize that there will be no winners in a nuclear war and that such a war should never be fought,” said the joint statement. So, what happened to such a statement?

It is a world-wide known but no one can predict exactly what will happen. war worry there is. So much so that Russia on the one hand, China on the other, the USA and other European countries on the other are in a great tension. In this context; Russia will invade Ukraine and China will invade Taiwan or they will fight against the countries. military power can use The allegations have led to a further escalation of tensions between the countries.

As we have just mentioned; No one knows what will happen in the future. However, the world a statement from the five most powerful countriesdemonstrates that at least everyone has a common vision for a nuclear war. In a joint statement by the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia, “We accept that there will be no winners in a nuclear war and that such a war should never be fought.‘ statements were made. known to have nuclear power These countries stated that their primary responsibility is to prevent global tensions from turning into a nuclear war.

Why was such a statement made?

The statement from the most powerful countries in the world may have made a little uneasy. Because what these countries say act on the contrary what they did we’ve seen it many times. But you can be calm, there doesn’t seem to be any danger of nuclear war on the horizon. So why was this statement made? Let’s look at the answer to that question together…


According to Famous Political Scientist, First Signs of “World War III” Appeared

in 1968″Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” was signed. The 5 countries mentioned were also signing this agreement. According to the agreement, there will be a meeting every 5 years and reviews would be done. The conference, which includes this review, would normally be held this year. But it could not be done due to the omicron variant. Some countries argued that the conference could be held online, while others did not want it. Even so, conference canceled. The statement signed by the countries emerged as a result of this…

Source :,1005535

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