NFT, Web3 and Metaverse Coin Analysis: These 16 Have Jumped!

With low trading volumes over the weekend, Bitcoin stagnated around $30,000 but still remained above this level. Most altcoins are also quietly sideways. However, among the web3, NFT and metaverse coin projects, there were cryptocurrencies that came to the fore with their rise. Here are the coins that gained the most value in the last 24 hours…

7 metaverse coins bounce

First of all, if we look at the metaverse coin area, Ontology (ONT) stands out as the most valuable cryptocurrency. ONT is changing hands at $0.31, up 18 percent, with a market cap of around $272 million. After ONT, Decimated (DIO) is up 11.93 percent. On the other hand, LUKSO rose 11.01 percent and Game Credits (GAME) rose 10.45 percent. Victoria VR (VR) stands out with 10 percent and FLOKI 10.13 percent. Finally, the last coin that gained the most value in this area was Onooks (OOKS) with 8.6 percent. As we have also reported, Metaverse is a term used to describe a collective virtual sharing space created by the combination of physical and virtual reality. In Metaverse, users can interact with each other and with digital objects and environments in a completely immersive and interactive way. It is often seen as a “successor” to the current internet, which is limited to 2D screens and limited interaction.

5 Web3 coin projects experienced an increase in value

Among Web3 coins, ONT stands out with its rise. Ontology is followed by Casper (CSPR) with 11.24 percent, Injective (INJ) with 10.39 percent and TRAVA.FINANCE (TRAVA) with 6.02 percent. Finally, Steem (STEEM) is experiencing an increase of 5.92 percent.

Web3 coins are often associated with Web3 technology, the next generation internet built on Blockchain technology. It is envisaged that this new web will be more decentralized, secure and privacy oriented than the current one. Examples of Web3 coins are Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), and Polkadot (DOT).

4 NFT coins register value gains

In the area of ​​NFT Coin, MurAll (PAINT) drew attention with an increase of 50.3%. PolyDoge (POLYDOGE) followed with 31 percent and Rarible (RARI) with 13.1 percent. Finally, LUKSO (LYXE) recorded a gain of 10.6 percent. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique digital assets stored on a Blockchain. Unlike exchangeable (i.e. one unit can be exchanged for another) cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, each NFT is unique and cannot be copied. They can represent various things such as digital art, virtual real estate, and even tweets. NFT coins also represent cryptocurrencies of projects operating in this field.

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