NFT Market Review: Here’s the Hot Updates!

Can a US state buy NFT? A lawmaker proposes state laws to allow the state to do so. Meanwhile, European automaker Alfa Romeo is tapping into NFTs in a way that integrates utility in a one-of-a-kind way without taking a consumer-focused approach. Here is the NFT market review of the week…

Is Salesforce developing a cloud station for NFT tokens?

Cloud-based company Salesforce is preparing an NFT marketplace, according to multiple reports citing an online Salesforce event. Allegedly, there is an internal discussion about whether the company will join OpenSea or risk being perceived as a competitor.

Italian automaker Alfa Romeo made headlines this week, announcing that the new Tonale SUV will be equipped with NFTs to ‘certify’ the vehicle and can be used to verify that a vehicle has been serviced correctly. Many other luxury vehicle companies such as Ferrari and Lamborghini are focusing on professional racing integration or basic IP integration with NFTs. So this development is a refreshing new link for NFTs and automakers.

Can the US invest in NFTs?

House Measure 2644, a bill introduced by Tennessee state member Jason Powell, could allow a county, municipality, or state to invest in crypto, blockchain technologies, and NFTs. Powell also proposed a bill to set up a research group that will help the state “become the most forward-thinking and pro-business state for cryptocurrencies and Blockchain and foster a good economic climate for cryptocurrency and Blockchain.”

A World First: NFT Move Has Come From This Altcoin!

Rug pull operations are seen in NFT projects

Rugpulls are often linked to new ICOs and are still common. Scammers, on the other hand, are increasingly linked to digital collectibles initiatives, but simply failing to exit the project and pay the developers and/or designers. The most recent development from the NFT industry is ‘Squiggles’, a new NFT initiative that sparked significant backlash from the NFT community after a 60-page white paper describing the fake creators. You can take a look at the details of the Baby Musk Coin (BABYMUSK) rug pull event, which we have transferred as

OnlyFans accepts NFT cover photos

Users on Twitter are the de facto leaders in changing their profile photos to NFTs. However, several other social networking platforms are poised to do the same. Adult content portal OnlyFans is the latest to do so.

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