News about Putin and Ukraine

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has complained about Western diplomacy in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. “Everyone just talks, nobody does anything,” the state news agency Anadolu quoted Erdogan as saying on Wednesday. French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz were in Moscow, and US President Joe Biden also always talks about talks with Russia. “But nothing came of it,” said Erdogan. Now it is up to NATO to do something. However, Erdogan left open what actions he meant by that.

In a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Erdogan said worsening the conflict and a military confrontation would do no one any good. This emerged from a statement by the President’s Office on Wednesday. Erdogan therefore called for diplomatic solutions, to which Ankara wanted to make its contribution. Turkey does not recognize any steps directed against Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, Erdogan said, referring to the Russian recognition of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Erdogan again invited Putin to Turkey for talks.

NATO member Turkey maintains close ties with both Ukraine and Russia. According to Anadolu, Erdogan said Turkey will not give up either partner. Turkey has a great interest in close relations with Ukraine. Ankara sells combat drones to Kiev. They also do not want to give up the “very advanced” relations with Russia. Ankara is dependent on Moscow for gas supplies, among other things.

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