New vulnerability in Meta: WhatsApp crash message!

If you remember, a message you sent to someone on WhatsApp in the past years caused the other party’s phone to crash. This a similar deficit also in 2023 discovered. Because of that message you sent someone on WhatsApp WhatsApp crashes temporarily. At work Details about the WhatsApp crash message…

Lock the entire chat with one message!

The vulnerability discovered by a user on Twitter is really interesting. The message you send to a user or group via WhatsApp locks that conversation. After the message is sent, not everyone to whom the message is sent via the mobile application can enter that chat. Users who click on the chat encounter an error notification.

You can send this message to a group or personal chat. As we mentioned above, the WhatsApp application crashes as soon as everyone to whom the message is forwarded opens the chat from which the message came. The “” message, although we do not recommend using this message. Everyone in the chat you sent this to will crash their app.

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So how to solve the problem created by this message?

Actually, this is not a big problem. The solution is quite simple and when you open the application again, you can continue to use the application as long as you do not enter the chat where the message was sent. As for the solution, all you have to do is find a computer or tablet. And then follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to WhatsApp Web.
  2. Log into the chat the message was sent to.
  3. Error WhatsApp Web is not working on chat will open and the application will not crash.
  4. Find the message “” in the chat.
  5. Remove the message as “Delete for Everyone”.
  6. Now you will be able to continue using the application without any problems.
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The gap that emerged in recent years was much larger. As soon as you opened a message sent to you via WhatsApp, your phone was locked. And the only solution to this was to do the hard reset process of the phone. Maybe the “” message could be used as a sweet joke, but the code released in the past period was completely damaging to users. After fully understanding the problem, WhatsApp released a small update on the subject and solved the problem.

So what do you think about this subject? When do you think Meta will take action for the WhatsApp crash message vulnerability? Don’t forget to give your opinion in the comments section…

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