New Update from Cardano (ADA) Network: Increased Block Size

Cardano (ADA) developers have released an update that they say will help scale and improve the project network’s user experience.

Cardano development firm Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) twitter According to the post, the update increased the block size of the Cardano network by ten percent, from 80 kiloBytes (kB) to 88 kB. The upgrade was recommended last weekend, according to the announcement made by IOHK on Monday.

“This 10% increase increases efficiency and DApp [merkezi olmayan uygulama] represents a significant network enhancement that will help continue to improve performance. It is the latest in a series of planned network optimizations we are making to continue scaling Cardano throughout 2022.”


According to the statement, the update will not only increase the throughput of the network, but also improve the performance of DApps built on the blockchain.

IOHK developers plan to monitor the performance of the network for at least five days from the point the update is deployed to “determine the next spike.”

The update comes just a few months after Cardano’s previous block size increase in February. IOHK stated that the network has witnessed a “recent increase” in transaction volume and expects more demand in the future.

However, Cardano’s domestic asset continues to struggle during the market drop: ADA is trading at $0.8385 at the time of writing, down about 11.25% in the last seven days. The ninth-ranked crypto-asset by market cap is also down 29% from its local peak a month ago and 72% from its all-time high last September.

You can check the price movements here.

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