New Record for the Fastest Object Made by Human Hands from Parker

The spacecraft that NASA sent directly to the Sun broke its own high speed record. The spacecraft also reached its closest distance to the Sun to date. NASA achieved this by “playing golf” in space.

US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sent a spacecraft directly to the Sun in 2018. This spacecraft, called “Parker Space Probe” (PSP), aimed to understand the structure of the Sun. The spacecraft produced by human beings, which is both the closest object to the Sun and the fastest object ever, has now broken a new record. NASA, this spacecraft 635 thousand 266 km/h He announced that he had reached speed. The highest speed PSP has seen in the past was recorded as 586 thousand 863 km/h.

A speed of 635 thousand 266 km/h may not mean anything on its own. Let’s explain; If an airplane reaches such a speed and starts to circle our planet, it will take 1 hour. 15 full turns takes place. This is the kind of speed we are talking about.

Not only was the speed record broken: PSP came close to the Sun at a record level!

The maximum speed reached by the Parker Space Probe broke another record. According to NASA’s statement, the spacecraft reached the Sun. 7.26 million kilometers got closer to the level. We can explain this distance as follows; Imagine lighting a campfire and getting closer and closer. Your distance from the fire will make you feel the heat intensely, but it will also make the hair on your face at a level that does not burn let it be. This is the distance between PSP and the Sun.

To achieve such a success, NASA literally played golf. Using the propellants in the PSP with an accurate calculation, NASA orbited the spacecraft around Venus. On the way back, the spacecraft passed behind Mercury and headed towards the Sun. at maximum level He managed to get close. Meanwhile; Let’s say that we are talking about a huge power at this point. The power generated by PSP was able to eliminate the Earth’s gravity…

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