New record for product sales from Samsung

Samsung Electronics, both quarterly and annually in the fourth quarter of 2021 record revenue announced that they were broken. Standing out with an annual revenue growth of 24% Samsung, announced that it broke records with increasing sales of consumer products such as flagship smartphones and home appliances.

During the quarter, the company $63.6 billion earned $11.5 billion in revenue. The financial balance sheet for 2021 was announced as 232.4 billion dollars. The company, which also announced its profit on a yearly basis, $42.9 billion stated that they have achieved

Microsoft profited from the pandemic period!

Microsoft Teams’ growth shows no signs of slowing down. On the meeting side, the choice of millions of people was Teams.

Samsung closed 2021 with $42 billion in profit

Stating that they expect more growth in 2022, the company continues to work on tablets and wearable devices, especially flagship smartphones. Company officials, 5G technology It predicts that there will be more growth in the mobile market as it becomes more widespread.

Samsung closed 2021 with $42 billion in profit

Quantum-dot OLED TV Samsung, which produces panels, continues to earn a very high income in the television market. Sony announced the world’s first QD-OLED TV produced with a Samsung panel last month.

This week, Samsung is on the agenda with leaks. Galaxy S22 confirmed the date of the Unpacked event that it will hold to announce the smartphone series. TM Roh, head of the company’s mobile division, has hinted that the new phones will receive functionality from the Galaxy Note series, which may have seen the final model.

Samsung, the pandemic and the global supply shortage throughout 2022 highlighted the difficulties. The company also stated that it expects to increase sales of flagship devices such as the upcoming Galaxy S and the recently launched Galaxy S21 FE.

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