New Measures for Digital Platforms Coming from EU

The European Parliament (EP) discussed a new bill for digital platforms at a plenary session recently. It was stated that this law, which contains strict rules, may stop the activities of digital platforms.

Recently, many penalties have been imposed on digital platforms and technology giants by many countries. Authorities stated that companies did not comply with the rules on issues such as user privacy and competition, and that the penalties were given for these reasons. now too European Unionhas taken a new step in this regard.

European Parliament (EP), in a meeting he held in Strasbourg recently; decided to take drastic measures against the activities of digital platforms such as social media, search engines and internet services. According to the statements, if these ‘hard decisions’ come into force, fines may be imposed on the platforms.

‘Digital Market Law’

AP officials,Digital Market Law‘ and discussed this proposal at the plenary session held in Strasbourg. In the voting, 642 of the officials voted ‘yes’ to the law, 28 voted ‘no’ and 46 abstained. After that, the law was passed.

According to the statements, this new decision will be aimed at platforms that have an important position in the digital market. If we open this a little more, the decision is; ie annual turnover over $8 billion having monthly more than 45 million user and in at least 3 EU countries It will include operating social media, search engines and internet service providers. According to the authorities ‘gatekeeperThe activities of the platforms, which will be named ‘, will be followed. If they are observed not to comply with the law, these companies will be fined.

In addition, it was emphasized in the statements made that unfair competition in the sector would be prevented. Officials stated that purchases between these companies will be restricted and competition will be prevented. If these rules are not followed, the platforms activities can be suspended.


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Finally, it was among the statements made that a ‘fine’ would be applied to companies that do not comply with the rules. AP officials, if the rules are not followed companies, global turnover 4% to 20% stated that a fine could be imposed. According to the statements, it will be determined after the negotiations between the EP and the European Union whether this law adopted in the EP will enter into force.

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