New Features Coming with iOS 17.4 Announced

The beta version released for iOS 17.4 revealed upcoming features. Users will start using new emojis in the new iOS version. However, this will not be the only innovation.

Recently iOS 17.3US-based technology giant Apple, which introduced the iPhone to iPhone owners, iOS 17.4 And he rolled up his sleeves. The company even released the first beta version for the new version. As such, it will come with iOS 17.4 innovations also started to emerge.

iOS 17.4 has several new features detected. The most notable of these is new emojis According to the shared information, Apple will offer 6 completely new emojis to users. But there is so much more. Users will be able to use new skin colors for some emojis. This is in total more than 100 It corresponds to emoji.

Brand new emojis that will be available with iOS 17.4:

Two of the new emojis coming to iPhones are for users’ approval or rejection status. nodding emoji will be used as. There will also be new emojis for mushroom and lemon. A broken chain and a phoenix will also be among the brand new emojis in iOS 17.4. In addition to all this; Emojis where people walk, run, kneel, use a wheelchair and sit on a chair are now very common. more shades of color Can be used with.

Other new features coming with iOS 17.4:

Podcasts feature will be able to create texts

apple podcast

The Podcasts feature, which Apple introduced years ago, will undergo a major revision with iOS 17.4. Users, publications text states They will also be able to reach. Thus, an uploaded podcast can now be read as well as listened to.

Stolen Device Protection will gain several new functionalities

Stolen Device Protection feature, which creates a security layer for stolen iPhones, several new settings options Will have.

Siri will be able to read incoming messages in different languages


Apple’s voice assistant Siri will receive a significant innovation in iOS 17.4. Users receive an incoming message read in different languages they will be able to provide. This will not change the language you use Siri in.


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Cloud gaming platforms will be added to the App Store

iOS 17.4 with NVIDIA GeForce Now and Xbox Cloud Gaming apps via App Store will be accessible.

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