New Features Coming to Instagram Announced

New features are coming to Instagram that gather the features we want to see on the platform for a long time and aim to improve the user experience. It seems that the way we use Instagram will change a lot with the new features coming.

Instagram is getting ready to come out with big innovations in the new year. Head of Instagram today Introduced by Adam Mosseri innovations include many long-awaited features and touches that will make users happy.

Instagram has long owned since its early years. ‘chronological flow’ The innovations that bring this feature also allow us to follow the ‘audience’ we want whenever we want. Let’s take a look at all the innovations together.

The flow changes from top to bottom:

As you know, Instagram currently has a homepage feed, as well as ‘Discover’, ‘Reels’ and ‘Store’ tabs. However, with the incoming innovations, we are accustomed to using the home page flow. two different ‘tabs’ more being added. While the bottom part of the application’s interface with tabs such as Reels and Discover remains the same, a new menu welcomes us in the upper left corner of the screen.

In this menu, we see it next to the standard home page. ‘Favorites’ and ‘Follows’ Two new tabs appear. What we’ll see in each of these tabs also varies. While the main page continues to present content based on the Instagram algorithm as it is now, the other two tabs allow us to see what we kind of ‘want’.

  • ‘Favorites’ feature is an innovation that consists of the posts of our ‘favorite’ accounts and includes a system similar to the ‘Close friends’ feature in a way. In this section you only want to see, you will see the contents of your chosen audience.
  • ‘Follows’ in the long-awaited chronological content stream welcomes us. This tab only presents the contents of all the accounts you follow, in chronological order, without any suggestions.


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The features that are currently in the testing phase are expected to be available to users soon. It will change the Instagam experience quite a bit. It is a matter of curiosity how this new system, which seems to be, will be met.

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