New EU sanctions not before the end of March

Poll: Majority does not believe in Beijing’s mediating role in Ukraine

A clear majority of Germans do not believe that China, as a mediator between Russia and Ukraine, could help end the war. In a survey conducted by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of the magazine “Internationale Politik”, two thirds (66 percent) of those questioned answered no to a corresponding question. Just under a third (31 percent) thinks this is possible. 3 percent answered “don’t know”.

In February, China called for a ceasefire and the resumption of negotiations in a twelve-point position paper on the political solution to the Ukraine conflict. The document was received critically in the West because it showed no initiative to resolve the conflict, did not condemn the Russian invasion and, with criticism of the West, rather reflected Russia’s arguments. Beijing continues to back Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In the Forsa survey, there are hardly any differences between East and West Germany on the question of mediation by China. However, at 25 percent, women believe significantly less in Beijing’s role as a mediator than men at 36 percent. A look at party preferences shows that 49 percent of AfD supporters believe exceptionally strongly in China’s role as a mediator – but here, too, 51 percent of those surveyed answered no. At 72 percent, supporters of the CDU and CSU are the most skeptical about a mediating role, followed by those of the SPD (70 percent), Greens (68 percent) and FDP (62 percent).

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