New era for Windows 11 updates

Microsoft’s new operating system, which it surprisingly released in October Windows 11 updates goes out of the annual calendar for As you know, general Windows 11 updates It will appear approximately once a year. However Microsoft Insider during the year, according to a detail that appeared on his blog. Web Experience Packages surprise awaits us.

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Web Experience Packs period for Windows 11 updates

Windows Insider, As you know, it is a developer platform program where the beta features of the operating system are open to developers. On this platform’s blog Windows Insider from the team Amanda Langowski’written by writing Contains important tips.

Windows 11 and an engaging new Windows interface

According to this Windows 11 updatesIt won’t come with a single update like it did in Windows 10. According to this, Microsoft announced the features that were tried and successful by the Insider team within the year. Web Experience Packages will be published. Windows 11 This updates it will automatically install just like security updates.

It seems like Microsoft will try to keep Windows 11 much more alive with these new update packages. Actually, the first details about these update packages emerged yesterday. However ZDNetThe blog post detail noticed by ‘s revealed the package contents. According to this ZDNetSpeaking to , a Microsoft official made a statement on the subject:

“Web Experience Pack is updated via Microsoft Store (Feature Experience Packs and Online Service Packs are updated via Windows Update). The Experience Pack will allow Microsoft to update things like the Widgets experience in Windows 11.

In this sense, Microsoft’s Web Experience Packages It’s likely that it plans to roll out mid-range updates and new features a few times during the year. At the moment, it is not clear when the first experience pack will arrive.

Despite all its positive aspects, Windows 11 is already on the agenda with infuriating bugs. Although Microsoft has prepared a guide on installing Windows 11, the operating system is not yet fully functional in terms of performance. Experts in this sense Windows 10 recommends its users not to rush to switch to the new operating system.

On the other hand, it has a much more interesting and simple design in terms of interface. Windows 11has caused many users to wonder about the new operating system.

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