New development in the claim that GetContact was hacked!

Last May 4, some people who said they were hackers, contacted technology editors and celebrities and said that they hacked the GetContact application. He also claimed that they hold the data of nearly 700 million users.

Stating that they wanted to negotiate with the founders and managers of the application after this, the individuals said that if they could not get a response, they would leak the data, starting with the famous names. Today, there have been new developments on the subject.

GetContact hacked claim: 700 million users’ data was stolen!

The claim that GetContact was hacked, which emerged with the sharing on Twitter, fell like a bomb on the agenda of social media! Here are the details…

GetContact manager denied the claim: 500 thousand people’s data could be leaked!

We see that hackers claiming to have seized personal data in the application have requested to meet with GetContact administrators. However, according to the sharing made by Mustafa Vardalı, one of the managers of the company, the data does not belong to them.

In fact, the data allegedly stolen, according to Vardalı’s claim, belongs to TurkContact, a similar platform of their own. For this reason, it refuses to deal with hackers. He even states that they want to invite experts to their offices in order to prove the situation.

However, he states that if the hackers do not pay the ransom they demand, they will leak another 500,000 numbers. However, they are told that they have already started legal processes in Turkey and Europe and that they will not be paid.

The full statement made by Mustafa Vardalı is as follows:

The person(s) who claim to have hacked Getcontact continue to threaten us. He says he’ll get us in trouble by publishing politicians’ phone numbers. If we don’t pay the money he wants, he’ll reveal another 500,000 tricks.

As I mentioned before, the data does not belong to us. To prove this, we would like to invite 10 experts from the industry to our office. The data security of our users has always been and will always be our main priority. We will not give these bullies a chance.

We also want you to know that we will initiate legal proceedings in Turkey and Europe. This bully must have left a digital footprint somewhere, and we’re going to find it. Even if it takes years.

What do you think about this subject? Don’t forget to share your feedback with us on the SDN Forum or in the comments!

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