New Details About Cryptocurrency Law Revealed

It has been claimed that the cryptocurrency regulation has come to an end. According to the news of NTV; The draft law, which has been prepared, focuses on protecting the investor in general. Moreover, it is stated that individual investors will not be taxed. Here are the things that will be included in the bill…

At the beginning of the issues that we have been talking about for a while in Turkey crypto- for money regulation is coming. Although there have been many rumors and explanations on the subject so far, there has been no clear development. However, Özgür Akbaş from NTV has reached some information about the regulation. According to the information obtained bill is now considered ready and is about to be moved to the parliamentary agenda.

When we look at the information obtained, the law of crypto money investors in Turkey to your job your future We see. The regulation, which is expected to consist of 10-12 articles in total, will aim to protect more investors. Moreover, there is a good claim at this point. According to Özgür Akbaş, small investors no tax will be charged.

Cryptocurrency law will bring taxes, but…

According to the information obtained, one of the articles in the draft law will be related to taxation. In this context, the individual investor the probability of not being taxed is said to be heavy. In other words, the citizen will not have to pay a part of the crypto money earnings as tax.


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crypto exchanges, at least 1 billion TL It will serve in Turkey with capitals such as However, the sources mentioning that there is no clear figure at this point, state that the market conditions will be reviewed. In this way, crypto money investors in Turkey will be protected from under-the-counter exchanges. On the other hand, the exchanges operating in Turkey should establish a system established in Turkey and other finance such as organizations will need to work. In other words, these companies will make transparent statements, be accountable and audited. There will also be a regulation on how exchanges store crypto assets.

Source :,SVKXFDHtWUi-fk0uapKtbg

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