New Cryptocurrency Statement from the Ministry of Finance of Russia!

Russia for a while cryptocurrency discussing units. After the Central Bank’s call to ban cryptocurrencies and mining activities, the discussions moved to a different dimension and this call was not supported by the government.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also wanted a middle ground between the government and the central bank.

Currently in Turkey as well as in Russia cryptocurrencies It cannot be used as a means of payment. The Russian Ministry of Finance wants to make regulations that allow cryptocurrencies as an investment tool, if not a means of payment.

New Explanation Arrived

From the Ministry of Finance of Russia today cryptocurrency A new statement has been made for the units. Ministry of Finance, future proposals for cryptocurrencies from the Central Bank as long as it doesn’t contradict his own approach He said he would take it into account.

In the statement made by the ministry, it was stated that the draft law aimed to create a legal market for digital currencies.

On Friday, there were some reports that a compromise could not be reached between the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. With this statement, the Ministry of Finance once again underlined that it is open to contributions from the Central Bank, but that it will not accept the approach to ban cryptocurrencies.

Among the reasons for the ban by the Central Bank of Russia are threats to financial stability. We understand that the Russian Ministry of Finance is not convinced about these threats.

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