New Cryptocurrency Statement from the Minister of Finance of Russia!

Between the Bank of Russia and government officials cryptocurrencies Speaking after the failure to reach an agreement on the legal regulation Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov He said there was no need for a ban as the central bank wanted.

As the central bank defended, Reuters reported crypto coins Stating that he does not want to ban it, Anton Siluanov pointed out that the ministry of finance and the central bank have been discussing the regulation of cryptocurrencies for about a year and a half.

In this context, Siluanov expressed that he expects the government to assist in resolving the cryptocurrency regulation dilemma.

“We will go to high-level officials on the cryptocurrency dispute and try to resolve the disagreements on it.”

Finance Minister Siluanov said that by the end of this week, he will submit proposals to the government on how to regulate cryptocurrencies, which Russian citizens use in annual transactions, worth about $ 5 billion.

We Don’t Use Chinese Methods!

Siluanov said that Russia needs more regulation on cryptocurrencies, citing the Chinese government’s approach to cryptocurrencies.

“If we ban cryptocurrencies, we have to ban the internet as well. We do not use the methods used by China.”

Stating that the Ministry of Finance thinks that cryptocurrency mining should not be banned, Siluanov believes that mining should be legalized and taxed instead of banning it.

Siluanov added that he believes banks and exchanges should be used to identify players in the crypto market.

As it will be remembered, the Central Bank of Russia proposed to ban cryptocurrency trading and mining due to concerns that it could cause financial instability.

But the finance ministry, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, disagrees with the central bank on this issue. Because Putin urged the authorities to find a compromise.

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