New Claim: Did CEO Do Kwon Terra (LUNA) Manipulate Voting?

After the Terra collapse, the allegations continue. Finally, CEO Do Kwon allegedly manipulated the vote on his proposal to save the network.

Twitter user “FatMan”, who made many claims about Terraform Labs and CEO Do Kwon after the Terra collapse, has created a new allegation arise threw.

User, on Monday, June 13, in the posts CEO Do Kwon manipulated the voting of his own proposal to save the network following the Terra collapse that started with the depeg of TerraUSD (UST) and that Terraform Labs’ rules you chew suggested.

He was caught. The “mystery” wallet with 20M LUNA airdrop that voted for Do Kwon’s own proposal, empowering North Star and the fraudulent ASTRO – officially confirmed as Do Kwon’s own.

FatMan also included an image of a Twitter conversation he had with the CEO of Terra last month, in which he tried to question the true identity of the owner of the wallet. In the messages in the image, Do Kwon’s response to Fatman’s questions “I refuse to answer.” He was seen using the expressions.

Also highlighting that Do Kwon used the same wallet to present a vote in August 2021, and that the wallet in Agora vote a few times Sharing as evidence a suggestion that the wallet was used for is the wallet stated and ended the sharing as follows:

They told you Terraform Labs didn’t vote. They told you Terraform Labs didn’t take the money. But you will realize that every little thing they do is to make more money out of the “community” through wordplay and manipulation. He doesn’t care about you. You are an instrument for him and you always have been.

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