The group, which was merged from Krupp and Thyssen 23 years ago, is one of the concerns of the German economy.
(Photo: IMAGO/photo booth)
Dusseldorf, Berlin Right at the beginning of his tenure, Miguel Angel Lopez Borrego surprised his management team. The 150 most important executives were to appear in person at the Essen corporate headquarters to see the new Thyssen boss who took office in June. “He appeared self-confident – and full of energy,” reports a long-time manager.
With this style, Lopez stands out from his predecessor Martina Merz. In the past few years, they had only connected their management team to digital meetings. “Then the managerial staff got to hear perseverance slogans – and how bad the situation really is,” said the manager. Sometimes the corona pandemic was to blame for the further decline of the traditional group, then the war in Ukraine. Ultimately, Thyssen-Krupp was unable to meet its forecast.
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