New Bitcoin Exchange Opened to Institutions with These 3 Altcoins!

EOSIO-based cryptocurrency exchange Bullish presented 3 altcoin projects to corporate customers today. The platform, supported by BlockOne and established with a fund of 10 billion dollars, started by licensing GFSC ledger technologies. Details‘in.

Bullish opens the doors of 3 altcoin projects to its institutional clients

Although the first move of the platform is to the institutional investor side, it will start to provide services to individual customers in the future. According to the statements of Bullish officials, among the institutional investors supporting the platform is Amber Group from Virtu Financial, the global market maker company on the Nasdaq list. Douglas Cifu, CEO of Virtu Financial, makes the following statements about the partnership:

We are excited to be among the first contributors to Bullish and to work with a team that is leading the evolution of cryptocurrency trading platforms.

Which cryptocurrencies are listed?

Bullish announced that it will list 4 cryptocurrencies in total. These consist of Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS and USDC. The platform stated that it will add more altcoins after the first listing. By the way, US users cannot access the stock market due to law. Offering deep liquidity and AAM, the stock market’s investors include Alan Howard, Louis Bacon, Peter Thiel, Christian Angermayer as well as Galaxy Digital and global investment bank Nomura. Finally, Bullish president Brendan Blumer shares his excitement:

For years, we have been working to meet the needs of investors who want to invest in a regulated platform for cryptocurrencies and to develop an exchange infrastructure built on a completely new architecture, built with innovative liquidity and portfolio management options. Bullish is the pinnacle of this work and I’m proud of our team for getting us to where we are today.

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