New Artificial Intelligence Tools Coming to LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn users will now be able to work more efficiently and benefit from career coaching services by using the power of artificial intelligence on the platform. Of course, you need to be a Premium user for this.

While social media is one of the areas where artificial intelligence is used effectively, LinkedIn started adding productive artificial intelligence models to the platform this year. In this way, both employers and job seekers had a better employment process. of the platform premium account users have now gained access to new AI tools.

Artificial intelligence became a career coach

The new artificial intelligence tools announced by the company are both more efficiently will enable the use of it and for employee candidates who are in the job search process career coaching will provide the service. With this new experience, the LinkedIn platform will be more customizable.

Showing what the new features will bring According to LinkedIn’s postThanks to the job search coach, people will be supported with predictions to get the job of their dreams. These predictions are useful to the prospective employee of the job. suitabilityhow people should position themselves, to interviews It will span different areas, such as how to prepare them.

The other artificial intelligence feature will compile and summarize the posts in users’ main streams. Articles, comments and presentations will be presented to the user with their main points with a single click. So that users with long content or videos It is planned to avoid wasting too much time. In addition, the selected key points can also help people’s career development.


What is LinkedIn, the Social Media Platform Where Job Seekers or Career Enthusiasts Meet, and How to Use It?

Compilation feature also Microsoft Bing It will be possible to inform users about what is happening in the world by compiling current news through it. Users will also be able to find answers to their questions using this tool.

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