Netherlands: rail traffic in the whole country comes to a standstill – News abroad

Complete rail shutdown in the Netherlands!

The train traffic with our neighbors has apparently come to a complete standstill. This is reported by the Dutch media site “NOS”.

Accordingly, there are reports from passengers sitting on a stationary train from Amsterdam, Utrecht, Den Bosch, Rotterdam, Lelystad and Voorhout, among others.

Apparently, the problem lies with the railway’s communication system. According to the railway company “Nederlandse Spoorwegen” (comparable to Deutsche Bahn), the problem lies in the communication between the traffic management and the train drivers. Because this was disrupted, the train traffic was stopped “for safety reasons”, according to a spokesman.

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A rail spokesman said that the trains in the next station were brought to a controlled stop. He confirmed that all trains of the “Nederlandse Spoorwegen” have come to a standstill. It is not known if this also applies to trains operated by other Dutch transport companies.

The Dutch railway company wrote on Twitter: “For safety reasons, there is currently no or very limited train traffic. It is not yet known how long this will take. Postpone your trip. “
