Netflix’s Psychological Technique: Avoiding Laziness

Netflix has various features to help you choose the most suitable one among thousands of productions on the platform. One of them is that when you hover over the series or movie, it directly shows the trailer or any scene from the movie to the audience. So why is Netflix doing this?

Digital content platform with millions of subscribers both in the world and in Turkey Netflix, attracts a lot of attention with its recent original productions and moves in the game industry. The increase in the number of content on the platform is causing a lot of difficulty on the part of the user.

The large number of content on the platform causes the user to have difficulty in deciding which content to watch. Netflix also offers various tools on the platform to make this situation easier. of the platform Starting to play the content or trailer directly when hovering over the TV show or movie Although it is loved by many people, on the other hand, it receives a lot of criticism. So why is Netflix doing this?

Netflix does this for psychological reasons.

Netflix, which wants to facilitate the experience of watching movies on the platform, prefers to play the content / trailer of the TV series or movie directly. This feature, which seems to be quite useful, is not welcomed by some users. But there is a reason for this.

Netflix according to users’ preferences a separate algorithm for each profile You’ve heard of it running before. In other words, the platform will change your homepage based on your previous preferences. you may also like these adorned with delicious ingredients. Even the algorithm, the productions you come across even the cover images changes it in a way that the user may like.

Filling your screen with content that may interest you among thousands of movies, Netflix also uses the direct playback technique to make it easier for you to choose from all the content you might like. The main reason for this is to provide you with more detailed information about the movie while navigating through the contents. The platform thinks that watching the trailer can also convince the user to start watching the series, since the user may already be interested in the series.

This path that Netflix follows is actually a scientific path. Company, “avoid laziness” It uses a psychological principle known as

So what is laziness avoidance?

We all know the feeling of laziness and aversion to something. However, one wonders why a person dislikes “idleness”. While the idea of ​​sitting idle while having a busy day with sequential tasks may seem tempting, the results of various psychological studies show that this is not the case. indicates the opposite.

Busy people, according to research tends to be happier. When given the choice of sitting idle or doing something to keep themselves busy, people often choose the latter. Even if being busy during a study reduces the happiness of the people, the majority of them prefer to be busy with something. Because being idle reduces their happiness even more.

There are various reasons for this reluctance, ranging from social norms to evolutionary habits. But humanity in a nutshell does not like laziness.


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With this path followed by Netflix, when the trailer is played, audio-visual information is given to the user to interact with and thus the feeling of laziness is not allowed to settle. This seemingly simple feature was so effective that it was later YouTube And Prime Video It was also used by other content streaming apps such as

Uber uses the same technique

The fact that Uber starts showing the location of a customer’s booked taxi is actually quite “The technique of avoiding laziness” an obvious example.

Since there are graphics and animations in the app that customers can interact with, people are not bothered by how long they have to wait as their minds are no longer idle. Instead of waiting idly by, customers can choose where the taxi is, how long the road will take, what route the taxi takes, etc. they prefer to focus on different details.


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