Netflix’s ‘Paid Password Sharing’ Tests Start With Chaos

The tests of the new feature announced by Netflix in the past months, which will make sharing the account password paid, have started in some countries. But news from Peru, where the tests were carried out, showed that the feature had a chaotic debut.

Netflix has been around for over 10 years in the past weeks. first time losing subscribers After the announcement, he signed many different measures. The platform, which canceled its projects, changed its policy, and announced that it would introduce a cheaper subscription package with advertisements, was mostly on the agenda with its paid password sharing feature.

The feature, which will prevent more than one person from using Netflix from a single membership and will make adding new members paid, has begun to be tested in various regions of the world. In the tests that started in Peru, users experienced some confusion. Newly emerged information about the tests that started in March, problems such as users not being informed about the additional fee brought to light.

Users were not informed, although the feature was released, new memberships continued to be opened:

According to information revealed by Rest of World, Netflix caused a great stir after activating the feature in Peru. Many of the users have heard from Netflix about this change. did not receive any informative emails or notifications. However, some users, despite the feature coming that they still continue to use the platform as before reported.

According to the feedback of the users, after activating the Netflix feature, some of them ignored the warnings of Netflix. continued to create members for free, some continued to share accounts without knowing anything about this feature and had no problems. In short, even though the feature was activated in Peru, it had a problematic and chaotic debut at the moment.

Within the scope of Netflix’s new feature, subscribers who want to add a new member to their account outside their home $2.99 ​​fee per new member will need to be paid. Of course, this fee may vary from country to country.


‘Netflix with Ads’ and Password Sharing Ban Revealed When To Come

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