Netflix Raises US Prices

Popular streaming platform Netflix hiked US prices between $1 and $2, causing the cheapest plan to reach $10. After these news, it was a matter of curiosity whether there would be a hike in Turkish prices.

Online TV series and movie viewing platforms are becoming more and more common. As in Turkey, millions of people around the world buy these platforms and follow the published content. In fact, we recently shared with you a new claim about the date that Disney Plus, one of the most popular broadcasting platforms in the world, could come to our country, and conveyed that it could be an important competitor to the platforms in Turkey.

as we all know Netflix is one of the most widely used among these platforms. After entering the new year, this platform, which has millions of users, was a matter of curiosity. According to the news, there has been a new development in this regard, and Netflix is ​​offering prices valid in the United States. don’t raise took the decision.

Between $1 and $2 raise on plans

In the statements made on Friday, it was stated that Netflix had increased its US prices by between 1 and 2 dollars. In other words, these hikes are $9 for Netflix’s basic plan in the US. for 10 dollars, the standard plan starts at $13.99 for $15.49, the premium plan increases by $2. for $20 means rising.

In the statements made by Netflix, these hikes; It was stated that it was made to offer more options and experiences. In addition, new users will be able to see the price changes directly, while existing users will be able to see the price changes in the coming weeks. 30 days agowas among the incoming news that he would be informed by an e-mail.

HBO overtakes Max to become the most expensive platform

hbo max netflix

We have to mention that this hike decision makes Netflix the most expensive streaming platform in the country. Before this decision, HBO Max, one of the biggest competitors of the platform, was the most expensive broadcasting platform in the country with $ 15 for standard HD content.

However, the news of the new hike has reached Netflix with $ 15.49. most expensive platform made. In addition, it should be noted that Netflix is ​​the most expensive platform in our country, leaving behind places such as BluTV and Amazon Prime. Nevertheless, despite important competitors such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Disney Plus, Apple TV +, it still remains popular and manages to reach billions of hours of watch time.

Is it possible to get a raise in Turkey?


Of course, after these explanations, it has been a matter of curiosity whether Netflix, which applies local pricing in our country, will make a raise in Turkey. The platform, which has more than 3 million users in the country, applied its last hike in March 2021. basic plan 26.99 TL, standard plan 40.99 TL, special plan for 54.99 TL had taken it out.


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After these news in March, there was no new hike announcement for our country. Although there is no information about whether there will be a hike for now, it should be noted that there is a possibility of a price increase in our country after the statements from the USA and the changes in the price policy.

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