Netflix brings HD and HDR support to three more phones

The digital broadcasting platform Netflix, series and movies HD and HDR offers quality. However, even some high-end smartphones at the flagship level do not support this quality at the same level. Because Netflix checks the hardware and software features of the device and unlocks the relevant features if it is sufficient to run HD and HDR.

Netflix, the quality of the video and color accuracy It supports HD and HDR technologies on the vast majority of smartphones, which directly affect fine details such as However, the number of mobile devices where these features still do not work is quite high. The company, which took action against this problem that negatively affects the viewing experience, HD/HDR compatible phones list. added new ones.

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Netflix in HDR and HD quality possible with Google Pixel 6 series

Netflix, which has updated its HD and HDR compatibility table, 3 new smartphones to the list added. Introduced last October Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro While it is surprising that the models have reached such high quality support in such a late time; The middle segment, which went on sale in August Google Pixel 5a 5G model also took its place in Netflix’s chart.

With the new regulation of the digital broadcasting platform, the number of Google Pixel phones that can run Netflix in HDR10 quality has increased to 10. if Pixel 3/3XL, Pixel 4/4XL, Pixel 4a/4a 5G, Pixel 5a/5a 5G, Pixel 6 and 6 Pro If you are using Netflix, you can watch TV shows and movies in high quality via Android app. In addition, phones of most brands, from Honor to Xiaomi, Samsung and OPPO, support these features.

Of course, your phone’s support is not enough to run the HDR feature. At the same time, the package you use Netflix must also include HD and HDR options. The company, which serves consumers with three different membership options, Standard plan with HD 40.99 TL; Custom plan with HDR for 54.99 TL selling. Both features are not included in the basic package.

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So what do you guys think about this? Are you satisfied with the HD and HDR quality of Netflix? Do not forget to write your comments in the field below.

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