Nearly 1 Million People Left the Stock Exchange in the Last 2 Months

The number of investors in the stock market at the end of 2023 was 7 million 643 thousand 867. It was noted that 912 thousand investors have left the stock market since October.

We saw an upward momentum in deposit interest rates in the last periods of the year. During this period, while some investors preferred to focus on interest rates, the stock market also October We see that the record number of investors in the month decreased.

According to Central Registry Agency data December in 2023 number of investors 7 million 643 thousand 867 happened. The record in October is 8.6 million He was an investor.

Record drop in the number of investors in one month

When we look at the previous month’s stock market investor numbers, in December 512 thousand investors Borsa Istanbul left. This situation appears as a record. However, when we look at it over the years, we see that the number of stock market investors is increasing.

The number of stock market investors exceeded the threshold of 2 million in 2021 and 3 million in 2022. The number of investors exiting the stock market in the last two months was close to the total number of investors in the stock market a few years ago.

There were a record number of public offerings


One of the most important reasons for the increase in investors in the stock market was public offerings. Last year, a total of 54 public offerings were made and a record was broken in this field. Especially in the last quarter of the year to public offerings There was a very large participation. At the end of 2023, when the tightening cycle was observed, the number of people turning to deposit interest was increasing.

The number of investors remains relatively stable Borsa Istanbul in 2022, It became one of the stock exchanges with the highest increase, leaving behind most major stock exchanges, and showed its best performance in the 2000s. After October 2023, the Stock Exchange started the index correction process with the influence of its strong competitors.

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