Nathalie Volk: That’s what she says about the separation from Timur *** BILDplus content *** – people

Everything off with her rocker

THAT says Nathalie Volk to
Separation from Timur

And why she had to go to the hospital

Photo: ddp socialmediaservice

This breakup came as lightning as their engagement!

Ex-GNTM model Nathalie Volk (24, now calls herself Miranda DiGrande) and her rocker Timur A. (44) have split up, both of them deleted all couple photos on their Instagram pages. Just a few hours after the breakup from her fiancé became known, Nathalie posted a photo from a hospital bed.

Now Nathalie expresses herself for the first time about the love-off and explains why she is in the hospital!

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