NASA is looking for the company to design the moon rover!

NASA, for a long time MoonHe’s planning a manned trip to the surface of . Continuing to work in this direction, the company Artemis Despite the fact that his projects, which he named, went beyond the targeted time, he keeps things very tight on rockets and other technological equipment.

Today too USAone of the largest aerospace and defense industry companies in Northrop Grumman A deal has been confirmed to design the lunar rover. Grumman will take the lead in this project. If he is with you AVL, Intuitive Machines, Lunar Outpost and Michelin There will be experienced companies such as The project will then be submitted to NASA for approval.

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Moon rover is of great importance to NASA

NASA, an area that no human has ever visited before south pole of the moon wants to explore. To achieve this, it needs a lunar rover with advanced technologies. Actually Northrop Grumman and other companies get involved exactly at this point.

NASA The progress of this project, which is very important for the project, plays a critical role for the targeted duration of the program. It may not be as sophisticated as a rocket. But if it malfunctions when it takes the astronauts miles from the spacecraft, the situation can become very dangerous for both the project and the occupants of the vehicle. Therefore, each part of the lunar rover will be designed by the experts in the business.

Northrop Grummanwill guide system integration and spacecraft design within the project he pioneered. AVLwill focus on autonomous systems with vehicle powertrains and advanced driver assistance. Intuitive Machines already NovaD He has experience in delivering payloads with spacecraft. Lunar Outpost It is currently developing extraterrestrial drones. Michelin while he had previously worked with NASA on the tires of the previous moon rover. Therefore, this team is considered to have already won the project.

NASAprovided some details on what he was looking for in a winning bid in the documentation for the project. Company on the lunar surface capable of going up to 20 kilometers without recharging. He wants a vehicle. potentially surviving a long lunar night and with a carrying capacity of at least 800 kilograms she wants to have. Of course, the real challenge is to fit all this into a compact vehicle.

the moon rover 2027 It is intended to be launched around This indicates that the vehicle will be sent to the Moon when the Artemis program starts running. Last week, NASA representatives, 1972 they ended in to manned lunar missions He expressed his excitement to be back. It also confirmed that the first crewed mission under the program was delayed.

NASA postpones the Moon mission to 2025!

NASA for a long time Artemis He is working on his task. Among the objectives of the project MoonThere are also ideas such as settling in and establishing a colony. In line with this program Artemis 1, Artemis 2 and Artemis 3 Three main tasks were identified. But 2024 Stating that it was determined to go to the moon in 2018, the company announced that it deviated from its target by 1 year.

A tender has been awarded to design spacecraft for the Manned Moon projects. Almost all of its competitors half a budget wanting Elon Muskwas chosen by a wide margin. But Blue Originowner of Jeff Bezos He couldn’t admit defeat. He then accepted the terms and stated that the tender he entered was too big to be awarded to a single company. NASA and SpaceX gave it to the court.

Jeff Bezos Its main purpose is to delay the process. NASA to force an agreement. 6 months court process Bezos, with many compromise offers NASA’s knocked on his door. In fact, instead of reducing the cost of the project he wanted almost twice, he offered to undertake the development costs of 2 billion dollars in other projects.

many people Bezos’ proposal clearly viewed as a bribe offered. Therefore Bezos and Blue Origin again rejected. However, this situation caused the work to be delayed for almost 1 year. Commenting on the subject NASA, said that the Artemis 1 mission, which is aimed to be completed in 2024, is delayed to 2025.

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