Mythological Creatures in Popular Movies and TV Shows, Their Stories

Mythological creatures that appear in stories, ancient inscriptions and hieroglyphs that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries, appear in books in the past and in many popular TV series, movies and games today. We also listed the mythological creatures frequently mentioned in these popular productions and told their stories.

for centuries mythological creatures and the stories of mythical animals are passed down from generation to generation. Gigantic beasts, mythical beasts and of mythological creatures These stories were first in books, and later on, since the traditional media came into being, many in the movie, in the show and at game It took place and it looks like it will continue to do so.

although this mythological creatures Although it is not real, it is obvious that it is a very enjoyable and entertaining subject to research. This is what we prepared for you. mythological creatures majority of the list ancient Greek and Ancient Egypt covers the myths. Bride without further deception mythological creatures Let’s take a look at our list.

Mythological creatures from popular movies and TV shows:

  • griffin
  • Cyclops
  • chimera
  • Mermaid
  • minotaur
  • centaur
  • Phoenix
  • unicorn
  • Pegasus
  • Medusa
  • sphinx
  • hydra
  • Bonus: Ghoul

Griffin (Ancient Egypt and Persia)

A Lion and Eagle Griffin is a powerful figure in Ancient Egyptian and Persian mythology. Griffin’s body lion body and claws, eagle head and wings is depicted as According to mythology, these gigantic creatures lived in Ancient Egypt and Persia. are the guards guarding great treasures.

Cyclops (Ancient Greek)


Most of the time ‘Cyclops’ Also known as Cyclops, it is a part of Ancient Greek mythology. Cyclops, who live away from any state and far from civilization, Zeus’ lightning bolts, Hades’ helmet of invisibility, Poseidon’s trident, and Artemis’ silver bow are craftsmen.

Chimera (Ancient Greek)


Chimeras in Greek mythology are fire-breathing and Lion, snake and goat They are mixed creatures. as a depiction to Cerberos The name of the Chimera, which is thought to be one of the guards of Hades because of its likeness, is also used to describe creatures that are a mixture of several animals nowadays.

Mermaid (Hellenistic period)


in Greek mythology mermaids, at first as they are currently depicted they weren’t half fish half woman. in Greek mythology half bird half woman The current appearance of mermaids, inspired by the Sirens, appeared in the Hellenistic period. Mermaids, which became more of a sailor legend after the half-fish-half-woman depiction, promise the helpless sailors sensual moments, lure them into the depths of the sea and kill them.

Minotaur (Ancient Greek)


Minotaurs, which also belong to Greek mythology, half bull half human They are depicted as the offspring of the Crete Queen. King Minos was so afraid of this creature that he wanted to imprison him. labyrinth He was imprisoned in a prison full of dead ends he named. in our language Labyrinth This is where the word comes from.

Centaur (Ancient Greek)


Centaurs, another human-animal hybrid creature of Greek mythology, to the body of a horse and the upper body of a human they have. Although it is said that these creatures take place in the wild in mythology, Chiron A special Centaur named the centaur attained great wisdom and mentored many characters in Greek mythology.

Phoenix (Ancient Egypt)


Phoenix Bird, perhaps one of the most well-known characters of Ancient Egypt, eagle-like It is a mythical creature. When Phoenixes die, they become ashes in a high-temperature fire. Later as a young Phoenix reborn from the ashes. Today, the Phoenix is ​​seen as a symbol of starting a new life after the collapse.

Unicorn (Ancient Greek, Chinese and Hindu)


Unicorns, known as Unicorns in our language, are like the Turkish name. are unicorns. ancient greece, china and Hindu The crops of this creature in their mythology were used to cure diseases. E.g From a glass made of unicorn horn when you drank something, you were not affected by the poisons.

Pegasus (Ancient Greek)


Often confused by people and different from unicorns the Pegasus, ancient Greek belongs to mythology. Unlike Unicorns, Pegasus can fly. are winged horses and usually in white color they become. Their feature is that they can fly, as you can imagine, and that’s why many Ancient Greek heroes had their mounts.

Medusa (Ancient Greek)


Another best-known mythological creature of ancient Greece, Medusa, carrying snakes for hair, turns anyone who looks directly into your eyes to stone She is depicted as a woman with sharp teeth. In some depictions half snake half woman According to the story, Medusa was killed by Perseus thanks to Graeae’s mirror. Medusa is also the mother of Pegasus.

Sphinx (Ancient Greek)


in our language Sphinx located as and To the Sphinx Cat The Sphinx, the ancient Egyptian creature for which it is named, head bird, ram or human in the form and body of a lion is depicted. Although it was discovered in Ancient Egypt, Sphinx, whose name comes from Ancient Greece, acts as the guardian of great treasures and the tomb of the pharaoh, just like the Griffin.

Hydra (Ancient Greek)


Hydra, in ancient Greek mythology, are depicted as a multi-headed and gigantic sea creature. Cutting off a Hydra’s long snake-like neck and one of its heads, instead of two would cause. of Hercules Before dying at their hands, the Hydra instilled terror into the people who lived on the shores of Lerna.

Bonus: Gulyabani (Turkish Mythology)


Ghoul, normal size 3 times the human He is depicted as a giant with a scepter, large in size, with a long and bushy beard, and a distorted face. This creature in Turkish mythology, in the movie ghoul It is a frightening creature to watch. Researchers have found that this creature, which is thought to eat humans based on ancient Arabian narratives they say. The ghoul is in the grave during the day haunting the night exhausts and ruins travelers and travelers.

Thus, mythological creatures frequently used in popular culture movies We have come to the end of our list. Please do not forget to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below. Also on our official Telegram channel from here You can subscribe.

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