Myth 2 Analysts Chose This Altcoin Project: 84,000 Percent Can Do!

Legendary Twitter analysts Flood and Smart Contracter discussed the price prospects for the Blockchain bridge Synapse (SYN) and the altcoin project’s position in the market. Flood’s forecasts predict an 84,000% boom for SYN trading at $3.00. Here are the details…

Analyst shared rally predictions

The veteran crypto analyst known as Flood explains several reasons why Synapse (SYN) has the potential to make insane gains in the next two years:

Here’s the simple math, EVM smart contract platforms have a total market cap of $700 billion and are expected to reach $12 trillion by 2023. With its superior user experience, hyper-efficient liquidity provision and one of the largest developer teams in the crypto market, Synapse is certain to become the world’s leading cross-chain bridge and capture at least 10% of this $1.2 trillion market cap by 2023.

The analyst adds that in these conditions, SYN will hit above $2,000 with an 84,000% boom:

This puts the price target at $2,400 per SYN. Let the bears and the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubts) sell whatever they want, I’ll keep hoarding.

Myth 2 Analysts Chose This Altcoin: 84,000 Percent Can Do!
  • The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a Blockchain-based software platform where developers build decentralized applications (DApps). Eliminates the need for advanced hardware when creating smart contracts.

Follows altcoin SYN closely on Smart Contracter Smart Contracter, whose analyzes we share, has recently shared SYN analyzes. Unlike Flood, Contracter examines SYN against ETH and talks about the future of the project:

The SYN chart here looks great weekly versus ETH, allowing you to bridge from any Blockchain to almost any.

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