Mysterious Link Between Brain and Sleep Illuminated

Scientists have revealed how a mechanism that has been discovered between the brain and sleep works. Studies on mice may open the door to new treatment methods for disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Although the relationship between dreams and the brain has been researched for years, it has not been fully elucidated. Yes; dream We seeWe are influenced by our dreams, and our brain triggers our emotions while we are dreaming. Well below that What mechanism is there? A group of researchers at the University of Bern, serving in Switzerland, managed to uncover what lies behind this mysterious process. Let’s take a look at this interesting research together.

People have dreams during REM sleep. Experts in their research between brain and sleep They found that there is a remarkable bond and that positive emotions are reinforced while sleeping. On the other hand; negative emotions were suppressed during sleep. Interestingly, the part of the brain that manages emotions was not active during sleep. Here’s the new research on mice, illuminated this complex situation. Experts say that the findings obtained on mice will also apply to humans.

May prevent ailments such as post-traumatic stress disorder

The scientists taught the rats sounds associated with safety or danger. The brains of the mice were tracked during this process. Experts who completed the first phase with these studies, then to the second stage they passed. This stage is when the taught sounds are heard in the brain during sleep and wakefulness. How processed was about. The second phase of the research provided striking details.


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In order to understand the continuation of the research, we first need to know the nerve cells, namely neurons. Let’s explain it in its simplest form. A nerve cell, in the roughest sense, consists of 3 parts. These sections are; receiving the reaction dendriteposting incoming responses axon and interact with other neurons soma (cell body). Here is the working order in these cells, even partially, what happens during sleep. to be understood has provided.

Nerve cell

*Appearance of a nerve cell.

By examining the brains of mice, scientists discovered that during REM sleep, the soma is fully asleep and the dendrites are fully awake. This meant: the rats could understand incoming sounds of safety or danger, but were not able to overreact to it, especially to danger. Because nerve cellshalf works” They were in a state of that cause anxiety they are thinking.

For disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder a new door has been interrupted. Experts think that the results from mice can help people with stress, anxiety, depression or panic attacks. However, to say that there are new ways of treatment to get rid of the diseases we are talking about now. not possible. Studies need to continue and research needs to be shifted to humans.

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