Mysterious David Fincher sharing from Netflix!

Netflix, continues to increase its exclusive content. Welcoming its subscribers with new productions in different categories, the platform wants to increase the number of people in its ecosystem day by day. Especially in these days when the number of broadcasting platforms is increasing, moves that raise expectations do not appear.

He is on the agenda with his social media posting the other day. Netflixwinked again at the famous director. The company, which will soon announce its new projects, David Fincher He managed to get his fans excited.

Netflix’s new show has confused the company!

Tensions arose between Netflix and its employees. Dave Chapelle’s latest show sparked investigations within the company.

What can we expect from the Netflix and David Fincher partnership?

Rather, it means an announcement is coming soon. twitter After the release, expectations rose. It seems that there will be two different options for the company, which plans to work with an important name in Hollywood cinema again.

One of these options is David Fincher‘of NetflixCreates a movie or series specific to . The successful director may soon become the brand face of the company with a new production. Who will have a strong trump card NetflixThe possibility of making such a request is not at all low.

However, another option is that both the director and the NetflixIt may be a development that fans of . 2017Published for the first time and highly acclaimed mindhunter The new season of the series may come. The production, which lasted for two seasons and then did not continue, David Fincher‘of NetflixHe can continue from where he left off with his return to . It is an undoubted fact that the series, which has a large audience, will provide solid returns to the platform.


Eyes due to the turbulent process within the company NetflixWe can say above. Dave ChapelleBecause of the show of to 3 employees The firm, which has opened an investigation, is trying to soften the incoming reactions. David Fincher We can say that the importance of the move comes to light once again. Because the company can draw the focus to different points with a name that is in sight.

You David Fincher What do you think about his move? Do you think the successful director will roll up his sleeves for a new original content? Or your favorite series. Mindhunter’Will it continue? Do not forget to share your opinions and predictions with us.

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