Must-Read Greek Mythology Books

Mythology, which tells us about humanity’s past, beliefs and traditions, like a storybook from prehistory, creates a unique story by adorning each culture with its own texture. Gods, heroes, loves, intrigues… The doors of Greek mythology open to a magical world.

greek mythology booksopens a magical door for us to step into the exciting and impressive world of Ancient Greece, full of intrigue.

“Which of the Greek mythology books should I read?” If you want to take a step into this magical world, this list we have prepared is just for you.

Must-read Greek mythology books:

Before stepping into the world of Greek mythology, For those who want to get general information, This work can serve as a beginner-level guide.

After reading this work, which presents the reader with interesting and classical mythological stories such as the Trojan War, Perseus’ killing of Medusa, and Oedipus’s escape from a prophecy, you will be interested in Greek mythology. You will have laid a foundation.

In addition, some studies on ancient Greek and Roman mythology classical age writers and their works Information about it is also included.

Well, “I don’t know anything about mythology” saying If you don’t know where to start. This book may be your priority.

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Greek mythology

This book, which will be a resource for those who want to dive into the depths of Greek mythology and learn more details, offers the reader detailed information on the subject.

A kind of like an encyclopedia You can consult this work, which is considered the most referenced source on Greek mythology, for the subject you want to learn in more detail.

An illustrated guide This book, which appears as a book, may be your most consulted source as you step into the world of Greek mythology.

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An absorbing novel adorned with stories from Greek mythology: I, Circe – Madeline Miller

I'm Circe

The sun god is a titan Circe, daughter of Helios He became increasingly filled with hatred because he was ostracized by his family and found unlovable. In this work, the author witnesses the process of Circe, who was sentenced to an island after it was discovered that she was a witch, and her self-discovery during the time on this island.

In this novel, where you will encounter mythological characters such as Helios, Odysseus, Athena, Selene, Hermes, Prometheus and Icarus, you will see ancient Greek mythology. from a feminist perspective you will see.

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The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller

“Song of Achilles”, another work by the same author, invites the reader to of the Trojan War It takes you on an immersive journey into its depths.

A lot After a long research This emerging work takes the reader to the epic world of Ancient Greece, just like the author’s other works. Accompanied by a fluent language and a gripping story, this work, where you will encounter mythological characters such as Apollo, Arfodit, Odysseus, Hera, Artemis, Agamemnon, Zeus, Hector, Helene and Herakles, is a must-read novel for those who want to dive into the depths of Greek mythology.

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A gripping work focusing on the impact of the Trojan War on women: A Thousand Ships – Natalie Haynes

a thousand ships

This Greek mythology book, which is especially recommended to be read over the “Song of Achilles”, After the Trojan War It tells the story of women of that period. In other words, this novel is a striking work that looks at the Trojan War, which is known to have started because of a woman, from a different perspective.

This novel, which begins after the war, from women’s perspective By telling a story, it actually appears as a feminist Greek mythology book.

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pandora's cube

Natalie Haynes approaches Greek mythology from a feminist perspective in her work Pandora’s Cube. nonfiction This book, unlike the three books above, is more of a reference book.

in Greek mythology female characters declared “scapegoats” In this book, which focuses on their stories, mythological characters such as Medusa, Pandora and Helene are approached from a different perspective.

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The story of women left behind the scenes in Greek mythology: The Silence of the Girls – Pat Barker

girls' silence

This work, which is a mythological literary novel that tells the Trojan War from the eyes of women, is actually He approaches the Iliad from a different perspective. The author shapes the story from the perspective of Briseis, who, despite coming from a noble family, was presented to Achilles as war booty.

This novel also Achilles, Odysseus, Agamemnon, Patroklos, Nestor and Hector It also hosts mythological heroes such as.

If you like reading novels based on Greek mythology, we are sure that you will not be able to put it down in this novel. through the eyes of the women behind the male heroes offers a glimpse.

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trojan women

If you have read the work called “The Silence of the Girls”, more We recommend you to read this book as well. In this work, the story of our main hero, Breseis, continues accompanied by the anger of the gods. We witness the struggle of Trojan women, who are literally stuck in a dystopian universe, to survive in a male-dominated society.

This book was found very impressive by the readers and received full marks from the critics. The third book of the series will be released in 2024. It is said.

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A striking work in which you will witness the sad story of Minos’ daughter Ariadne: Ariadne – Jennifer Saint


Author Jennifer Saint introduces us in this work Daughter of King Minos of Crete It invites you to Ariadne’s world.

It’s actually a classic mythology story. The story of Theseus, Ariadne and the Minotaur This work brings us together with a fluent narrative by reconstructing it.

By an emotionless and strict father, grown almost like an investment tool In this book, we get the answer to the question of what Ariadne can afford to escape from where she was raised.

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Iliad and Odyssey

The Iliad and Odyssey, written by Homer, who is thought to have lived in the 9th century BC, are about the events that took place during the Ancient Greek period. most important works It is located between.

The Iliad and Odyssey epics both to world literature and to the period it describes It is counted among the illuminating works.

In the Iliad epic The first 51 days of the Trojan Warin the Odyssia epic What happened to Odysseus during his 10-year journey back to his country, It is told in poetic language.

These works “I want to delve into the deepest of Greek mythology booksA must read for those who say ” heavy but very important is among the works.

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If you have decided to delve into the classics of mythology, you should have at hand: Mythology Dictionary – Azra Erhat

mythology dictionary

Especially if you are going to read heavy literary works such as Iliad and Odyssey, it is important to have a mythology dictionary. It can make your reading adventure much easier.

This mythology dictionary prepared by Azra Erhat, the translator of Iliad and Odyssey, Anatolian legends, Greek and Latin mythology A meticulously prepared resource.

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In this content, those who are interested in Greek mythology will enjoy reading it. Greek mythology books we compiled. If you have any Greek mythology books you recommend, don’t forget to mention them in the comments!

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