Mt. Gox to Start Distributing Bitcoin to Its Creditors: Here is the Target Date!

Journalist Colin Wu, active between 2010 and 2014 Bitcoin Stock Exchange Mt. He shared a remarkable news about the Gox stock exchange. The exchange in question attracted great attention as the platform where 70% of Bitcoin transactions took place at that time.

According to the news shared by Colin Wu, the creditors of the stock exchange were informed by an e-mail sent by the trustee. According to the information, he stated that investors who lost their assets after the hack that occurred in 2014 will gradually start to receive their assets starting from this year.

These payments will continue until 2024. Among other payments, 142,000 Bitcoins (valued at $5,179,222,800), 143,000 Bitcoin Cash (valued at $31,507,190) and 69 billion yen were sent to Mt. Gox among its creditors will be distributed.

In September this year, the trustee announced a significant delay in repayments. Initially, the trustee, led by Nobuaki Kobayashi, set October 31 this year as the start date. However, in September, this date was postponed until October 31, 2024.

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