More than 8 Known Analysts: These 2 Altcoins Will Launch!

A widely followed crypto strategist and trader says big booms are in sight for Bitcoin (BTC) and popular altcoin projects Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Coin (BNB).

Comment from the analyst on 2 altcoins and Bitcoin

Nicknamed Smart Contracter, the analyst tells his 177,800 Twitter followers that Bitcoin is “one resistance away” from hitting its all-time high. “It is only a matter of time before BTC reaches its all-time high breaking point,” the analyst says. According to the trader’s chart, a break from an inverse head and shoulders formation to a bullish continuation pattern would take Bitcoin to the $68,000 price target.

The crypto strategist, who also looks at the leading altcoin Ethereum (ETH), says the sky is clear for ETH as long as it reaches a close above the $4,400 daily area. “This small ETH ATH (all-time high) on Friday was the test. The next boom will be the big flash… Patience pays off, we will see another ETH ATH breakout. I hope we get these close daily levels to stay close to the peaks, then the sky is the limit.”

“BNB can go to $700”

As for BNB, the utility token from global crypto exchange Binance, Smart Contracter predicts a move to an all-time high of $700. This represents a potential increase of over 27 percent from its current price of around $550. “Another strong daily close above resistance for BNB. Whether you like CZ (Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao) or not, this is going to ATH.”

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