Moments When Hundreds of Bats Come Out of a Building Simultaneously

A TikTok user recorded hundreds of bats exiting the window, nesting in the office building where he works. The creepy video shared on TikTok received nearly 7 million views.

How many bats have you seen live together before? At night, we always see one or more of them flying around the street lamps. However, what would your reaction be if you learned that dozens, maybe hundreds, live next to you and witness their flights?

This is exactly what happened in a TikTok user’s office. Ashley Michele, who came to work as usual in the morning, noticed the movement in the frame of the window. From the space between the column and the window The woman, who saw hundreds of wounds thrown up, recorded what happened and shared it on TikTok.

Moments when hundreds of bats jump out of the window at the same time:

Ashley Michele, who works in an office in the US state of California, actively uses TikTok under the username @baebaespice; He recorded the bat infestation he noticed in his office and shared it on TikTok. Hundreds of bats in the space between the window and the pillar had made a bath. The woman, who witnessed the moment of the animals coming out of this void, shared in her sharing. “Hundreds of bats live inside our office building” used the phrases.

Sharing on the platform 6.7 million viewsreceived 550 thousand likes and 19 thousand shares. The common opinion of other TikTok users who commented was that even if they love bats, they can go crazy in the face of such a sight. After the incident, the people in the building called the animal control teams, waiting for the bats to leave the building completely. Later, this gap was filled so that the bats could not enter again. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, on the other hand, stated that bats generally do not damage buildings, do not make noise, do not leave odors and do not bring their prey into buildings.

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