Ministry of Finance Launches Investigation on FTX

The Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) announced that it has started an investigation on the sinking cryptocurrency exchange The Board also shared that transactions regarding the accounts of related persons and institutions were stopped.

Recently, it is among the 3 largest stock exchanges in the world. FTXsuddenly sank in a way that shocked the cryptocurrency world. While the event shook the cryptocurrency industry, many users with investments in FTX suffered great losses.

Today, the financial intelligence unit of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance about the sinking stock market FTX. From the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) An important announcement has come. MASAK initiated an investigation by the natural and legal persons that is associated with.

Transactions suspended for accounts of individuals and institutions associated with

In the statement shared by MASAK, attention was drawn to the news that could not fulfill its obligations towards its customers. The Board continued its statement as follows:

“As it is known, with the amendment made on 01.05.2021 in the Regulation on the Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism, crypto asset service providers are deemed liable under the Law No. 5549 on the Prevention of Laundering of Proceeds of Crime (5549 p. Kn.) and the relevant legislation. . Since the said institutions have been designated as liable under the relevant legislation, our Agency has been analyzing and examining the activities of these obliged parties within the framework of the duties and authorities of our Agency. On the other hand, the transactions and activities of the obliged parties operating in our country and associated with the global crypto asset trading platform with the trade name, which is the subject of the news in the press, were closely followed by our Agency before the news about fell on the public agenda, and they were closely monitored and necessary. measures were taken immediately. As part of these measures, before the real and legal persons associated with the global crypto asset trading platform operating under the trade name, Within the framework of the duties and authorities given to our Presidency pursuant to laws and regulations investigation started, furthermore, banks, electronic money institutions, crypto asset service providers, etc. of the related persons and institutions. Transactions made to the accounts of obliged parties, 5549 p. Within the scope of article 19/A of Kn. suspended. The investigations of our Presidency will be concluded promptly and shared with the relevant judicial and administrative authorities.”

FTX Turkey: “We will act faithfully to our duties and responsibilities towards MASAK”

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