Berlin, Brussels After more than 20 years of negotiations, the world’s largest free trade zone finally seemed to be taking shape. After the change of president in Brazil from right-wing extremist Jair Bolsonaro to left-wing Lula da Silva, the agreement between the EU and the South American Mercosur countries is to be concluded.
On the EU side, Germany, previously at the forefront of critics, opened the door. After Lula’s election, the traffic light agreed to the trade deal, which should ultimately also convince other European countries.
But now Germany of all places is fueling doubts about the timely conclusion of the Mercosur agreement. The Greens only allowed the traffic light to commit to the Mercosur Agreement on the condition that it was linked to “effective” protection of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Under Bolsonaro, the rainforest was massively cleared. It is considered a tipping point in the fight against global warming.
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