Minimum Wage Statement by President Erdogan

President Erdoğan made an important statement today, where the first meeting of the minimum wage negotiations will be held, and announced that there will be an unprecedented increase. On the other hand, there was no explanation about the status of the taxes collected from the minimum wage.

Turkey has been going through tough economic times in recent weeks. With the sudden depreciation of the Turkish Lira, there has been an increase in all exchange rates, especially the dollar and the euro, and this increase also causes inflation to increase. As a result, we, as citizens, face price hikes in every product in a short time, and we lose our purchasing power rapidly.

Of course, the debate on the minimum wage has flared up this year, following the rising prices of every product and service in Turkey. Minimum wage today while gross 3,577, net 2,825 TL As this money is crushed by current prices, the minimum wage is expected to increase significantly. A statement about this has been made in the past minutes. From President Erdogan and Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca came.

The minimum wage will increase at an unprecedented level, and healthcare workers will be raised between 2,500 and 5,000 TL:

President Erdogan, in his statement, “at minimum wage, an increase that is much, much higher than what has happened so far we will do” He gave a sign that they would meet the expectations of a serious increase in the minimum wage. Following President Erdoğan’s statement, Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca also made a statement regarding the wages of healthcare workers. Fahrettin Koca, in the statement he shared, that they will raise between 2,500 TL and 5,000 TL. announced.

Minimum wage offers so far:

The first meeting of the Minimum Wage Determination Commission will be held today, on 1 December. Türk-İş, which has represented the workers at the minimum wage meetings to date, did not give any numbers. DİSK, on ​​the other hand, It should be 5.200 TL argued. On the other hand, both DİSK and the Confederation of Turkish Employers’ Associations (TİSK) announced that taxes on minimum wages should be reduced gradually, thus reducing the tax burden on employers and employees.


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What will be the cost of a minimum wage worker to the employer if current taxes are preserved and the minimum wage is 5,200 TL (this is the only offer we received because this is the only offer)?

The difference between the gross (3,577 TL) and net (2,825 TL) minimum wage in 2021 is 751 TL. In other words, while 3.577 TL comes out of the employer’s pocket for each minimum wage, 2.825 TL goes into the pocket of the individual working with the minimum wage. A portion of 751 TL goes to the state as tax. That is the gross minimum wage. 21.02% of it is counted as tax.

If we think that the minimum wage is 5.200 TL net, it is out of pocket of the employer with current taxes. will increase to 6,293 TL per minimum wage earner.

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